Tag Archives: musings

Wednesday Musings

A dragonfly soars past my window as I lift the curtain back, and an airplane drifts against a cloudless sky. Near the ground below, a tiny yellow butterfly flutters in the weeds, pausing only seconds as it flits from leaf to leaf.

As a flock of bluejays sails across the field and disappears into the pine forest, and the occasional bee zips across my vision, I sit here in my air conditioned space and struggle to write.

It’s another hot day in the coastal plains of Georgia, with hotter days to follow, and July is fast approaching. My world seems limited to what is behind my curtain, and I struggle with the need to communicate, yet fall short.

I watch the wind stir the young oaks, and two brown thrashers flying between the branches. A gray cat catches my eye as she preens in the brush, and the afternoon shadows begin to fall.

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