A Monday in Georgia

Outside the window, my blue skies have given way to gray. As Debby churns in the gulf and tries to decide which way she’ll turn, her associating winds rustle through my oak trees and bow the pines.

A lone buzzard takes advantage of the wind currents and sails over the pine forest, while below, a brown thrasher rummages in the brush.

Rolie, the resident tom, makes a bed in the fall leaves between the yucca plants and the bloom-less jessamine vines. His nemesis, Skittle, prefers to sit straight upright in the sand. He stares at me through the window like some soulless Halloween cat, a dash of white on his collar offsetting his otherwise rich black fur.

As afternoon begins to wind down, a bluejay flies through the oak branches and disappears into the field. The first sunlight I’ve seen all day illuminates the clouds and brightens the pines.

Rolie retreats from his leaf bed, pauses to stretch in the grass, then rounds the corner of the house out of sight.

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